Data Decisions
Data Driven
Fourteen Years’ Data Guide Darle Elkin’s Decisions Darle Elkin used to man Air Force nuclear weapon guidance systems, so it’s…
Building the Blocks
A successful crop means checking your work to track trends. Blocks have always been linked to learning. As children, we…
Who Owns The Knowledge?
Agronomically, most of us are “land grant” educated. Land grant universities were established with the Morrill Act in 1860’s and…
Soil Type ≠ Silver Bullet
We’re fortunate in the U.S. to have digitized soils. What historically used to be contained in a book of maps…
Best Average Rate Costs Profits!
Long before GPS was part of our acronym vocabulary, my early agriculture career started in eastern Iowa and northern Illinois.…
And The Winner Is...
Yield results are in and every plot or trial has an overall winner! Winning a plot isn’t easy. Sometimes, luck…
Real Agronomic Complexity
Several years ago, I had customers tell me we could grow our company a lot faster if we had something…
Build your Nutrient Data
In case you haven’t heard, there’s a target on your back! Our modern crop production system is on a collision…
Data may Reduce Rent
When I’m visiting with growers and advisers, I frequently say that maps are a great way to view data, but…
Lender as Agronomist
I don’t like it when people generalize about the characteristics of a demographic group — like when people say, “Bald…
Time to Scrutinize ROI
Increasing return on investment for every input is clearly on the mind of every grower. They are in an economic…
Discover Agronomic Synergies
Is it possible that 3 and 2 can equal more than 5? That’s the concept of synergy — when the…
Don't Farm Averages
Sometimes “average” can be your worst enemy. Everyone has heard far-fetched examples that illustrate the problem with “average.” Picture standing…
Learning Blocks
Some people remember phone numbers or calendar dates; I remember farm fields. Before the 2005 crop year, the program leaders…
Moving beyond Correlation
Throughout Premier Crop’s nearly 20-year history, we’ve perhaps been the most diligent at communicating that what we do — big…
The Precision Ag “Easy” Button
Virtually every precision ag survey done with growers and industry over the last 20 years would rank “getting different systems…
Straight Lines = Man Made
Hunters and soil scientists may seem like an odd pairing but they have at least one thing in common —…
Compare Real Benchmarks
Telling your customers they are under-performing never seemed like a great business model to me. Benchmarking can have that exact…
One Rate Doesn't Fit All
1 pound into a sample bag, send it off to the lab, get the results back, and then pretend that…
Does Variable Rate ANYTHING Pay?
Difficult economic times tend to bring out skepticism or at least a review of current practices. Recently, I was asked…
Trust ... but Verify
Every week I see ads using the latest marketing buzz- words to describe how a company is going to use…
Beyond Pretty Maps
For more than a decade, GPS technology has allowed you to capture variability within a field — from yield to…
Is Mother Nature all That Matters?
At this time of the year, it’s easy to feel like yields are largely a function of weather — temperature…
Evidence-Based Decisions
I’m always looking for parallels — examples from other industries on how they use data to drive better decisions. On…
Data Builds Confidence
Are you confident? Where does that confidence come from? From your life experiences? From your successes? Even your failures? What…
...But Does it Pay?
Entering our 17th crop year, Premier Crop has been challenged by growers and industry skeptics. The recent euphoria over the…
Produce (a Lot) More with Less
Is your own story that powerful? Are you producing more crops with less inputs per bushel produced? I spend some…
Intuition Doesn't Match Data
I’m a big believer in the practice of split-applying nitrogen — specifically sidedress-applying a portion of the nitrogen after planting.…
Can’t Save your Way into Prosperity
Sometimes life events leave a market for generations. The Great depression created generations of frugal farm family survivors. Feeding a…
Dig Deep into Data
One of the services Premier Crop provides growers with is community or group data analysis from a regional basis. Growers…